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About Teiku 

Teiku is a community for people who want to connect with nature, themselves and each other.


It was founded in 2019 with the vision of creating a beautiful space that promotes permaculture, ecological, social, cultural and spiritual values. It is part of Myco Community, a non-profit organization based in Israel, that promotes ecological, social, cultural and spiritual values.

We are located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the home of some large native tribes: the Kogi, Arhuaco and Wiwa. The tribes of the Sierra are the “big brothers” and guardians of Mother Earth to whom the universe has given the mission of teaching humans the true harmony of things. Here in Teiku we intend to learn from their tradition and live by their values.

Our Vision  


Our mission is to: 

  • Preserve Mother Earth and work with the land in a balanced and sustainable way 

  • Learn from the local indigenous tribes, connect to their spiritual knowledge and wisdom about nature and support them in preserving this wonderful mountain of Teiku and other sacred places in the Sierra Nevada

  • Connect with the local community of Trompito by providing a kindergarten and education center for children

  • Live together as a community, learn from each other in a harmonious way and grow together

Our Mission

Our vision is to live in harmony and balance with nature, ourselves and each other. 

Who lives here

Yuval - manager and creator of the farm

Yuval is in charge of managing different projects happening on the land, mostly around plantation and construction projects. He also manages the finances, knows everything and is very busy, which is why he is usually hard to find. Always smiling with his eyes and contributing through his kindness. And most importantly - he is the partner of Shir. He speaks English, Spanish and Hebrew.

Shir - responsible for receiving visitors and guests and communication

She manages the Teiku shop and products and collects the payments. She is super passionate about handcrafts and arts and is in charge of the carpentry area. She loves mud building projects and working with the weed-wacker. She hosts the weaving circle every Tuesday. She also works in the kindergarten project with the local children. 

Steve - our permaculture dude

He has been living and studying devotedly with Mother Earth for the last 6 years here in Colombia and transmits the energy of Permaculture through a deep connection and devotion to the practice of being in harmony with oneself, nature, and all those with whom we share space and time. He always lights up the “room” with his positivity and has many wise words to share about Mother Earth. He speaks English and some Spanish.

Gilad - one of the founders and owners of Teiku

He is also the founder of Myco, which is a NGO based in Israel that promotes ecological, social, cultural and spiritual values. In the community Gilad is in charge of marketing, creating events, playing the darbuka and making good shakshuka. Sometimes he disappears for a party and when he comes out of his jungle cabin, he always lights up our day with a good conversation and his kindness. He speaks English, Spanish and Hebrew.

A Kogui family consisting of Patricio, Hava, Rebeqa, Raquel, Hedjael, Milagro

In the last years a beautiful relationship has been formed with Patricio’s family who comes from the Kogui village up the mountain. The children go to the regional school so since the beginning of the school year they stay here on the farm during the week and on the weekends go to their village. They speak Kogui and some Spanish.

Our neighbors Wilmar and Edit - Wilmar works daily with us on the farm, knows how to fix and build everything and is a very talented gardener.
He speaks Costeño Spanish. 

The land

The land we take care of comprises 2 hectares. It is covered by jungle and we grow different types of trees and plants here, such as cacao, avocado, papaya, yucca and many more. The huts that we live in are mainly built with natural materials. We have a Maloka which is a sacred space built in the indigenous tradition to meet all together, sit around the fire and share words and songs. It can also be used to practice yoga or meditation. 


We drink fresh water that comes from the river up in the mountains. 


Right next to the land, there is a beautiful, calm river with natural pools within a ten minute walking distance. 


We are located in the village of Trompito, ten minutes by bus from the entrance of Parque Tayrona. The beautiful beaches of Los Angeles and Los Naranjos can be reached within a 15 minute bus ride.

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